Hala Tivoli bo konec aprila v znamenju borilnih veščin. Po epidemiji Covid se WFC – World Freefight Challenge – 23. aprila 2023 v velikem slogu vrača...

BRAVE Combat Federation is happy to announce its return to Slovenia in April this year. Following the great success of BRAVE CF 34 back in January of...
Konec aprila je v dvorani Tivoli na sporedu spektakel mešanih borilnih veščin. Med predvidenimi 22 borci bodo v kletki nastopili tudi trije Slovenci....

WFC, najmočnejša organizacija za borbe po pravilih MMA v regiji, se po treh letih vrača. V ljubljanski Hali Tivoli bodo v kletki nastopili borci iz...

The MMA Super Cup was designed to pit the strongest amateur mixed martial arts teams in the world against each other for a chance to bring home some...

The Slovenian Mixed Martial Arts Association (SMMAA) is delighted to announce its first selection event for the national team to travel to the IMMAF...

Two-time UFC heavyweight champion and sporting royalty Frank Mir is set to touch down in Ljubljana, Slovenia for this first time ahead of an...

In partnership with the WFC, BRAVE Combat Federation made its first incursion in the Balkans in a packed Tivoli Hall. In the main event of...

In partnership with the WFC, BRAVE Combat Federation made its first incursion in the Balkans in a packed Tivoli Hall. In the main event of...

WFC and BRAVE CF are one day away from making history for the Slovenian mixed martial arts scene which takes place at the Tivoli Hall, in Ljubljana....

BRAVE Combat Federation will kick off its 2020 season with yet another new territory conquered, as BRAVE CF 34 will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia...
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